All posts by rkasarjian

Find an Exercise Partner

It’s always more fun to do things with our friends.  Exercise is no exception.  Find a friend (old or new) who also wants to be more active and set a plan for what you’ll do together.  It can be as simple as going for a walk every day after the kids go off to school.

Working out with a friend is more enjoyable and holds you accountable so you don’t miss your workout.

Here are a few tips:

  1. Find someone who really wants to do this.  You both want to motivate each other rather than talk each other out of exercising while having coffee and donuts instead.
  2. If you plan to go walking in the neighborhood, have a plan for rainy days or days that the weather keeps you inside.  The right workout video can make all the difference in the world.  Make sure you pick one that resonates with you or you won’t do it.
  3. Make sure you both have similar exercise goals and objectives.  If one of you is a couch potato and the other is already an avid exerciser, this may not make for a great partnership.
  4. Mix it up a little.  Add weight training and/or yoga once a week.
  5. Make sure you both have a common time that will work every day so that scheduling doesn’t become more work than the exercise. (One tip is that if your kids are on the same sports team, you can exercise together while they practice. That won’t get you five days/week but it’s a start.)
  6. If you are married or in a relationship, recruit your significant other as a partner.
  7. Go to some exercise classes at your local Y or any gym.
  8. It’s okay to have more than one exercise buddy – in fact, it is better.  If you are all friends and want to workout together, that can be great, too!!
  9. Join a running or walking group.  It’s a great way to make new friends, too, who also are mindful of the importance of fitness.

Remember if you are really not enjoying getting active and exercising, you are not likely to keep it up.  Make it fun for you!!  Make it social!!  Make it happen!!

You can do it!!  Start today!


Begin Each Day With A Grateful Heart

Begin Each Day With A Grateful Heart

It really is that simple!  If we start each day with a grateful heart and focus on all that we have to be grateful for, the day will be much better.    It is easy to wake up and think about all the things we “have” to do and all the “problems” we need to fix in our lives but that puts us in problem mode rather than solution mode.

For the next week, wake up and immediately focus on gratitude.  Be thankful that you woke up.  Be thankful for the fact you have somewhere to sleep.  Be thankful for friends and family.  Be thankful for the clothes you have. Be thankful for an indoor bathroom with running water.  Be thankful for the ability to think. Be thankful food you have to eat.  There is so much to be grateful for and we often take it for granted because we are focused on the things we want and don’t have.  It’s easy to switch the focus.  Try it for a week and let me know what changes you see in your life.  We always get more of what we focus on!!  Let’s make it something we actually want 🙂

Have a magical, grateful day!!